Our Story

Charlton proposing to April
How we met

Charlton and April initially met virtually. After weeks of talking on the phone, face timing, and texting; they were finally able to meet in person in Augusta, Ga. They met up at the Apple Store because Charlton needed to get his iPhone screen repaired. While waiting on the repair, they ate at PF Changs and were able to get to know each other better. From there, it was an instant connection, as if they had known each other forever. They had so much in common including the same sense of humor and perspective on life. Charlton and April spent so much time laughing and talking in the restaurant, that they didn't realize that they were the last people in the restaurant. The waiter was persistent in trying to see if they needed more drinks or takeout containers, but in actuality was trying to get them out! They continued the night talking more while walking around the mall. When the mall closed, they resorted to hanging out in the car because there was nowhere else to go. The energy was so strong, that they talked until after midnight because they weren't quite ready for the date to end. Sadly, eventually both had to accept that the night was over when their two cars were the last left in the parking lot. Despite the end of the date, Charlton and April knew that it was just the beginning to their love story!

Charlton proposing to April
The Proposal

Charlton continuously expressed how "cheesy" Valentine’s Day proposals were. Therefore, he decided to plan the proposal on the day after Valentine's Day to throw April off. He took her on a weekend getaway to White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia. They stayed at the infamous Greenbrier Hotel. This was one of the many weekend getaways that they do when she has a free weekend within her busy residency schedule; so the trip didn’t seem suspicious upfront. After landing in West Virginia, they rented a car and traveled down many winding roads within the mountains of rural West Virginia to get to their destination. Upon arrival and almost nauseated from all the curves and turns through the mountains, April noticed that the hotel was offering free photography sessions for the guests. She explains to Charlton that she wanted to try to get pictures taken that evening. When scheduling the trip, Charlton also booked a dinner at a fine dining option in the hotel. This required April to dress up. She rushed to get ready for their reservation. The two almost had a small rift before leaving the room because April asked Charlton to place her cell phone in his jacket pocket [where the ring was], because it wouldn't fit in the clutch she had selected for her outfit. Although this almost ruined the surprise, he luckily was able to fit the cell phone in his pocket along with the ring box. When they arrived to the restaurant, the hostess informed them that their reservations were not until another hour. Charlton and April then walked around the hotel to waste time. They ran into what April thought was the "hotel photographer" on the other side of the long hallway. She asked if we wanted to take pictures. She began by taking pictures of Charlton and April. Charlton then steps aside to let April take individual photos. Next thing you know, Charlton steps back into frame and gets on one knee to ask for April's hand in marriage. She repeatedly asks if Charlton asked her father for approval. Once Charlton explains that he did, April finally said "yes!"